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  • author Anthony Rullier
  • <1K
  • Released on: 2023-01-12
SHA256 checksum:

EWS (Emulator Wrapper Solution) is a IDA PRO plugin that aims to integrate emulation features (such as debugger) from various emulators (currently unicorn, but you can add more).

Writting such plugin was motivated by reversing on x64 machine various embedded binaries from Android native libs to automotive firmwares. "Click ready" trace generator and basic explorer is a gain of time.

Key features are:

  1. Support Raw and ELF file. PE is experimental, no support for Mach-O.
  2. Automatically loads binary inside the emulator based on IDB information.
  3. Debugger view with registers' values for each executed instruction.
  4. Debugger capacities such as watchpoints, run / steps the code.
  5. Stub mechanism to emulate imported functions.

Usage and examples :